

I watched the movie ‘Invictus’ last night. The movie was about the Rugby World Cup in 1995 in South Africa. 1995 was a tough year for this beautiful country and the S. African national rugby team. At that time the South African government, which had been run by the white people, was ended. Black people took over and built a new country. They regained rights to involve themselves in politics. It was a new page for the black people in South Africa, and the fact that Nelson Mandela won the president election in South Africa was historic. One year before he became the president, the racial segregation was terminated because of international pressure. But there were still many problems with the country. Enmity remained between black and white, and Mandela had the foresight to deal with the problem. He understood that the Rugby World Cup held in S. Africa was an opportunity. Rugby games were popular to the white and hated by the black, who considered the game a symbol of racial segregation. Mandela created a situation in which both the black and the white would cheer for the national team. At the end of the movie, he succeeded in reuniting the country. The movie touched me deeply because we have a similar problem in Taiwan, and we are looking for ways to solve the problem. I wish we have the wisdom to overcome the difficulties one day.












May God Bless Taiwan


伴隨七月盛暑 滿天星轉下 微涼露藹送來的綠色氣息

秧苗成長了吧 稻穀結實了吧 蛙鳴醒覺了吧

田園裡蜻蜓點水 屋簷下的風鈴隨意哼唱

我赤腳跑跳 濕潤泥土 黝黑如膚 在腳趾間雀躍開來

庄腳尾的土地公 榕樹頭枝葉如傘 追著跑的是鵝媽媽

我打著赤膊 分不清汗水露水 耳朵鼻子滿是紛雜的喜悅

田埂間 竹林的低喃就是一首詩








The 4th day at ITI, July 1, 2010

Let’s do something different.

I joined the ITI training courses which focus on business English training and business practice. At the beginning of the writing course, our teacher assign us to write journals as homework 3 entries per week. I thought maybe I could do it as everyday works as I can. This is why stories begun. I know I still learn to be a good writer. There will be many faults in articles. If anyone notices anything wrong, please give me some advices. I will be very appreciate you.

The most interesting things and the most importances at ITI impress me is the concept of teaching students. At ITI, you could raise your hand without feeling embarrassed or be afraid of interrupting teachers. Which will make all the members in the class have clear input and discuss well. As a person always has many questions about anything, I’m really very glad to have a chance to join the training course.

I paused to write the journal first because I have to go to bed now.

To be continued.
